Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Table Selection

    1. You can select the table to select from using the DropDown.

    2. Include Archived Table to the Dropdown of Table (1.a)

    3. Filter using the Status of the Row [All, Active, Inactive]

  2. Filters Section is a table where - you can Filter what Row you only want to display base from it’s column values. You can add Filter entry by clicking Add Filter button (5.a).

    1. You can delete a Filter entry by using the Delete Button under Operation Column.

    2. Fields Column - This is used to select what Column you are going to use on the Filter Entry.

    3. Comparison Column - this contains a Dropdown which allows you what Comparison operation you are going to use to compare the Fields and Value. Possible value are: “Equal To”, “Not Equal To”, “Less Than or Equal To”, “Less Than”, “Greater Than or Equal To”, “Greater Than”, Contains, “Does not Contain”.

    4. Value Column - this contains a textbox where you can input your comparable value.

    5. Case-Sensitive Column - You can configure that Comparison to be Case-Sensitive by checking the Checkbox. Default is it will be Case-Sensitive.

    6. Logical Column - if you have more than 1 Filter Entry, you can select now if the logical operator between the 2 comparison will be Add or Or.

    7. Filter Expression - You can also use Filter Expression to force precedences on multiple Filter Expression (by using Parenthesis) or also to set what Logical Operation you are going to use.

  3. Preview Table. You can use it to Preview generated content by your current settings.

  4. Group By Section- This represent how the Content will be Group using the value of the Column you select. This allows you to put DTK header Header and DTK Footer on the Body and this 2 macro will be display whenever a group will be display.

    1. Group By Dropdown - you can select the Column you want to Group the Result.

    2. Group By Order - order of the Group. Example on Group By Dropdown you select Column1 with value A, D, C, E - then the Group will be display A, C, D E.

  5. Footer Buttons

    1. Add Filter Button - use to add Filter Entry (2).

    2. Close Button - use to close the Dialog. Upon close, it will discard what you have change on the Macro.

    3. Save Button - click it to save your changes/configuration.
