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This macro The {AutoTask Advanced Configuration Page} macro will let you produce details for each configuration that match matches the criteria entered in the Macro.

In addition there is ,you have the ability to group the configurations based on a single field.  You can also sort by a field. using (separate to the group by field).



{AutoTask Advanced Configuration Page}


The following two macros are used based on the group by field.


The warranty for workstation ##ReferenceTitle## will expire on ##WarrantyExpirationDate##. 

You can insert other Macros within the {AutoTask Advanced Configuration Page} macro.  You can also pass the values of fields in to into these macro's by surrounding the fields with #'s. 

Valid fields

Standard AutoTask fields:

"id", "CreateDate", "AccountID", "Active", "DailyCost", "HourlyCost", "InstallDate", "MonthlyCost", "Notes", "NumberOfUsers", "PerUseCost", "ProductID", "ReferenceNumber", "ReferenceTitle", "SerialNumber", "SetupFee", "WarrantyExpirationDate", "ContractID", "ServiceID", "Type", "Location", "InstalledByID"


And user defined fields.