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The {AutoTask Advanced Configuration Page} macro will let you produce details for each configuration that matches the criteria entered in the Macro.

In addition,you have the ability to group the configurations based on a single field.  You can also sort by a field. using (separate to the group by field).

The following two macros are used based on the group by field.

{Doctoolkit Header}

{Doctoolkit Footer}

To include a field in the body of the macro surround it with #'s, like  ##field##.

For example:

The warranty for workstation ##ReferenceTitle## will expire on ##WarrantyExpirationDate##.

You can insert other Macros within the {AutoTask Advanced Configuration Page} macro.  You can also pass the values of fields into these macro's by surrounding the fields with #'s.

Valid fields

Standard AutoTask fields:

"id", "CreateDate", "AccountID", "Active", "DailyCost", "HourlyCost", "InstallDate", "MonthlyCost", "Notes", "NumberOfUsers", "PerUseCost", "ProductID", "ReferenceNumber", "ReferenceTitle", "SerialNumber", "SetupFee", "WarrantyExpirationDate", "ContractID", "ServiceID", "Type", "Location", "InstalledByID"

And user defined fields.