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You can customize the format of tables in the Documentation Toolkit.

This can be achieved globally or specifically for each space (client).  This formatting affects how it is viewed in the browser only.  You can edit the formatting in the PDF document by configuring Scroll PDF.







To edit the Global configuration click on the Cog and then General Configuration






Then select Doctoolkit Configuration.

(It may appear a few places up or down in the General Configuration section)












Scroll down until you see Styles Configuration and then click on Edit. 


The Styles Configuration use standard CSS syntax.

Some ideas:

If you would like borders removed try using border:0px

If you would like the heading background a different color then edit the th row.

You could try something outlandish (ok - hideous) like:

border:1px solid Green;background-color: #FF0000; text-align: right; color: cyan;

There are plenty of pages on the internet with details for CSS.  One I have used is:


You can mimic their table format with:


thfont-size: 1.1em; text-align: left; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 4px; background-color: #A7C942; color: #ffffff;
tdfont-size: 1em; border: 1px solid #98bf21; padding: 3px 7px 2px 7px;
tbody tr:nth-child(even)color: #000000;background-color: #EAF2D3

When you have finished click on Save.  You can see a sample table on the Doctoolkit Configuration page.

Each Space can have it's own settings as well.





Click on Browse and then select Space Admin






Scroll down until you see Doctoolkit Space Configuration in the side bar.

Click on it.









Click on Edit.




Here you can choose to override the Style format for this space only or simply chose to use the global settings.


Use the entries as explained above.


Click on Save when you are finished.

  • No labels


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