URI | /rest/crud/1.0/$tableKey |
Content-Type | application/json |
BODY | name - name of the Data - REQUIRED key - key of the data - REQUIED - should be unique within the table SAMPLE { "name": "name3", "spaceKey": "DEMO", "key": "name3", //json element name is base from column.key on database "field-currency": 200, //currency must be a number "field-number": "1", //number must be a number "field-percent": "2", //percent must be a number "field-required": "required", //if field is required, should be required "field-checkbox": "false", // must be true/false "field-ipaddress": "121212121", //must be a ipv4 ip-address "field-hyperlink": "", // must be a http or https url "field-type": { "id": "56", "key": "key1", // for field of type Type, id or key is mandatory/required. If both is present, key will be ignore. "name": "wtf" } } |
200 | id - internal id of the data - System Generated name - name of the Data, the same as what you pout on the request key - key of the Data, the same as what you put on the request spaceKey - space where Data |
400 | error - main category of the error message - error message |
404 |
Scenario | Response |
POSITIVE/Good Request | { "field-percent": "2", "field-required": "required", "field-currency": "200", "field-checkbox": "false", "name": "name3", "key": "name3", "field-number": "1", "field-ipaddress": "121212121", "id": 61, "field-type": { "id": 56, "name": "name3" }, "field-hyperlink": "" } |
$key is not specify { "spaceKey": "DEMO", "name": "name3", "field-type": { "id": 56, "name": "name3" }, "field-hyperlink": "" } | HTTP STATUS: 400 { "error": "REQUIRED", "message": "key is required" } |
$key is not unique within the table | { "error": "VALUE_NOT_VALID", "message": "key[sixth-entity] on table[name-one] already exist - key should be unique within a table" } |
$name is not specify { "spaceKey": "DEMO", "field-type": { "id": 56, "name": "name3" }, "field-hyperlink": "" } | HTTP STATUS: 400 { "error": "REQUIRED", "message": "name is required" } |
$spaceKey is not specified { "name": "Row 1st", "field-type": { "id": 56, "name": "name3" }, "field-hyperlink": "" } | HTTP STATUS: 400 { "error": "REQUIRED", "message": "spaceKey is required" } |
$spaceKey is non-existing | HTTP STATUS: 400 { "error": "NON_EXISTING", "message": "Space[DEM] does not exists" } |
$tableKey is non-existing | HTTP STATUS: 404 { "error": "NOT FOUND", "message": "URL doesn't point to existing table" } |
$row[0].id is non-existing { "name": "second Entity", "key": "sixthz-entity", "field-fk": [{ "id": "14700" }], "spaceKey": "CIA2" } | { "error": "VALUE_NOT_VALID", "message": "[14700] of field[field-fk] refer to non-existing Row" } |
$row[0].key is non-existing { "name": "second Entity", "key": "sixthz-entity", "field-fk": [{ "key": "keyvalue1" }], "spaceKey": "CIA2" } | { "error": "VALUE_NOT_VALID", "message": "[keyvalue1] of field[field-fk] refer to non-existing Row" } |
$row identified by id or key existing but it’s Table is not the same as defined in the Column { "name": "second Entity", "key": "sixthz-entity", "field-fk": [{ "id": "19104", "key": "open" }], "spaceKey": "CIA2" } | { "error": "VALUE_NOT_VALID", "message": "[19104] entity type doesn't match with what is defined." } |
column is required { "name": "second Entity", "key": "sixthzz-entity", "spaceKey": "CIA2" } | { "error": "REQUIRED", "message": "field-required is required" }