DTK Records Macro Dialog is sub-divided into 3 4 parts:
- Selection of Table (1.a) to display (This include how many letter of the Password to display (1.b), Include Archived Table to the Dropdown of Table (1.c) and Show Rows base from Status [All, Active, Inactive] (1.d)
- Fields to display. You have option to Show, Hide or Show only if has Value (2.a). You can also change it all at once by using the Dropdown on the Header (2.b)
- Filters. You can Filter what Row you only want to display. To add Filter, use Add Filter (3.a), to Delete Filter entry, you can use the Delete (3.b) on each row. You can select what Column to use (3.c), Comparison (3.d) and Value (3.e). You can configure the Comparison to be Case-Sensitive by checking the check box (3.f). If you are using multiple Comparison, you need to specify Logical Operation between them, you can do it by using the Logical Dropdown (3.g) or Filter Expression (3.h). You can also use Filter Expression to force precedences on multiple Filter Expression (by using Parenthesis).
- Preview Table. You can use it to Preview generated content by your current settings.