ConnectWise Configuration Page

ConnectWise Configuration Page

The {Connectwise Configuration Page} allows you to return the details about 1 or more configurations.

What the Macro does is return a page from elsewhere in Confluence, based on the content of the Answer.  So, if the Answer is N7700, it will return the page called N7700 from the Include Pages space.  You can specify another space that you want the page returned from - "Include Pages" is just the default space used.

The ConnectWise Configuration Page Macro is made up of 4 parts.

  • The first part specifies the Configuration Type that you are going to use.
  • The second part specifies the Search Criteria so that you can select a specific configuration.
  • The third part defines how passwords are managed.
  • The fourth and last part defines which fields and questions you want to display.

To begin, log in to ConnectWise and select Companies from the Side Bar, as shown in the following illustration. 


The Company Search screen, illustrated below, is displayed. Enter the name of the Company whose configuration you want to work with in the Company Name field and click Enter.



The Company screen for that company is displayed, as shown in the following illustration.


Click the Configurations tab, as shown in the following illustration.

The Configurations screen for that company is displayed, as shown in the following illustration.


Select the Configuration that you'd like to work with, as shown in the following illustration.The screen expands to display Configuration Details for this Configuration.


If you scroll down on this screen, you will see the Configuration Questions associated with this Configuration.Now, when this Configuration is queried, the Answers returned will be pulled from here. For example, querying on Model will return a result of N2200EvoPlus.This is also where you would make any edits to the Questions associated with the Configuration.