Removing "This is an unversioned page"

Removing "This is an unversioned page"

You need to edit the Space Stylesheet and add the following:

#sv-infoline-container { display: none!important; }
#action-menu-link-sv-contentaction-section { display: none!important; }


The following instructions will show you how to do this.


By default, Scroll Versions will display version information about pages.  This is the area highlighted in yellow in the illustration below.  This is not used by the Documentation Toolkit and can be hidden.
The instructions below show you how to hide this.

NOTE: You will only see this version information if Scroll Versions is installed.

To edit the Stylesheet, click Browse and then select the Space Admin option on the Browse drop down.


Now click Stypesheet in the Side Bar



You will see a screen similar to the one below.  Click Edit.


Key in the following information:

#sv-infoline-container { display: none!important; }
#action-menu-link-sv-contentaction-section { display: none!important; }


and then click Save.



The screen will then look similar to the one shown below.




When you browse this space again the This is an unversioned page message will no longer be there.