Excluded Fields

Excluded Fields

You can now Excluded Fields and it will not be used by DTK on all Table. You can access it on Administration Page, Documentation Toolkit then Configuration (uri /admin/doctoolkit/doctoolkitadminsettings.action) . There will be a Panel at the end of the page called Excluded Fields.


Default Field that are excluded are: Contact Name,Address Line 1,Address Line 2,City,State,Zip Code,Country,CPU Speed,Backup Protected Device List, Backup Server Name, Default Gateway and Local Hard Drives.

You can edit it by clicking the Edit button at the left side.

To remove a Column Name from Exclusion, you can click the 'X' on the Capsule you want to remove. To add new Column Name, just click on the multi-select dropdown and type in the column name you want to add.

To Save your changes, you can click Update (A) Button or to discard click Cancel (B)